ME1 Monitor and Evaluate IT Performance

Effective IT performance management requires a monitoring process. This process includes defining relevant performance indicators, systematic and timely reporting of performance, and prompt acting upon deviations. Monitoring is needed to make sure that the right things are done and are in line with the set directions and policies.

Control over the IT process of Monitor and Evaluate IT Performance that satisfies the business requirement for IT of
  • transparency and understanding of IT cost, benefits, strategy, policies and service levels in accordance with governance requirements
by focusing on
  • monitoring and reporting process metrics and identifying and implementing performance improvement actions
is achieved by
  • Collating and translating process performance reports into management reports
  • Reviewing performance against agreed-upon targets and initiating necessary remedial action
and is measured by
  • Satisfaction of management and the governance entity with the performance reporting
  • Number of improvement actions driven by monitoring activities
  • Percent of critical processes monitored
Management of the process of Monitor and Evaluate IT Performance that satisfies the business requirement for IT of transparency and understanding of IT cost, benefits, strategy, policies and service levels in accordance with governance requirements is:

1 Non-existent
2 Initial/Ad Hoc
3 Repeatable but Intuitive
4 Defined
5 Managed and Measurable
6 Optimized

Benchmarks/Guidelines for Scoring

1 Non-existent when
The organization has no monitoring process implemented. IT does not independently perform monitoring of projects or processes. Useful, timely and accurate reports are not available. The need for clearly understood process objectives is not recognized.
2 Initial/Ad Hoc when
Management recognizes a need to collect and assess information about monitoring processes. Standard collection and assessment processes have not been identified. Monitoring is implemented and metrics are chosen on a case-by-case basis, according to the needs of specific IT projects and processes. Monitoring is generally implemented reactively to an incident that has caused some loss or embarrassment to the organization. The accounting function monitors basic financial measures for IT.
3 Repeatable but Intuitive when
Basic measurements to be monitored are identified. Collection and assessment methods and techniques exist, but the processes are not adopted across the entire organization. Interpretation of monitoring results is based on the expertise of key individuals. Limited tools are chosen and implemented for gathering information, but the gathering is not based on a planned approach.
4 Defined when
Management communicates and institutes standard monitoring processes. Educational and training programs for monitoring are implemented. A formalized knowledge base of historical performance information is developed. Assessment is still performed at the individual IT process and project level and is not integrated amongst all processes. Tools for monitoring IT processes and service levels are defined. Measurements of the contribution of the information services function to the performance of the organization are defined, using traditional financial and operational criteria. IT-specific performance measurements, non-financial measurements, strategic measurements, customer satisfaction measurements and service levels are defined. A framework is defined for measuring performance.
5 Managed and Measurable when
Management defines the tolerances under which processes must operate. Reporting of monitoring results is being standardized and normalized. There is integration of metrics across all IT projects and processes. The IT organization’s management reporting systems are formalized. Automated tools are integrated and leveraged organization-wide to collect and monitor operational information on applications, systems and processes. Management is able to evaluate performance based on agreed-upon criteria approved by stakeholders. Measurements of the IT function align with organization-wide goals.
6 Optimized when
A continuous quality improvement process is developed for updating organization-wide monitoring standards and policies and incorporating industry good practices. All monitoring processes are optimized and support organization-wide objectives. Business-driven metrics are routinely used to measure performance and are integrated into strategic assessment frameworks, such as the IT balanced scorecard. Process monitoring and ongoing redesign are consistent with organization-wide business process improvement plans. Benchmarking against industry and key competitors becomes formalized, with well-understood comparison criteria.