AI4 Enable Operation and Use

Knowledge about new systems is made available. This process requires the production of documentation and manuals for users and IT, and provides training to ensure the proper use and operation of applications and infrastructure.

Control over the IT process of Enable Operation and Use that satisfies the business requirement for IT of
  • ensuring satisfaction of end users with service offerings and service levels and seamlessly integrating applications and technology solutions into business processes
by focusing on
  • providing effective user and operational manuals and training materials to transfer the knowledge necessary for successful system operation and use
is achieved by
  • Developing and making available knowledge transfer documentation
  • Communicating and training users, business management, support staff and operational staff
  • Producing training materials
and is measured by
  • Number of applications where IT procedures are seamlessly integrated into business processes
  • Percent of business owners satisfied with application training and support materials
  • Number of applications with adequate user and operational support training
Management of the process of Enable Operation and Use that satisfies the business requirement for IT of ensuring satisfaction of end users with service offerings and service levels and seamlessly integrating applications and technology solutions into business processes is:

1 Non-existent
2 Initial/Ad Hoc
3 Repeatable but Intuitive
4 Defined
5 Managed and Measurable
6 Optimized

Benchmarks/Guidelines for Scoring

1 Non-existent when
There is no process in place with regard to the production of user documentation, operations manuals and training material. The only materials that exist are those supplied with purchased products.
2 Initial/Ad Hoc when
There is awareness that process documentation is needed. Documentation is occasionally produced and is inconsistently distributed to limited groups. Much of the documentation and many of the procedures are out of date. Training materials tend to be one-off schemes with variable quality. There is virtually no integration of procedures across different systems and business units. There is no input from business units in the design of training programs.
3 Repeatable but Intuitive when
Similar approaches are used to produce procedures and documentation, but they are not based on a structured approach or framework. There is no uniform approach to the development of user and operating procedures. Training materials are produced by individuals or project teams, and quality depends on the individuals involved. Procedures and quality of user support vary from poor to very good, with very little consistency and integration across the organization. Training programs for the business and users are provided or facilitated, but there is no overall plan for training roll-out or delivery.
4 Defined when
There is a clearly defined, accepted and understood framework for user documentation, operations manuals and training materials. Procedures are stored and maintained in a formal library and can be accessed by anyone who needs to know them. Corrections to documentation and procedures are made on a reactive basis. Procedures are available offline and can be accessed and maintained in case of disaster. A process exists that specifies procedure updates and training materials to be an explicit deliverable of a change project. Despite the existence of defined approaches, the actual content varies because there is no control to enforce compliance with standards. Users are informally involved in the process. Automated tools are increasingly used in the generation and distribution of procedures. Business and user training is planned and scheduled.
5 Managed and Measurable when
There is a defined framework for maintaining procedures and training materials that has IT management support. The approach taken for maintaining procedures and training manuals covers all systems and business units, so that processes can be viewed from a business perspective. Procedures and training materials are integrated to include inter-dependencies and interfaces. Controls exist to ensure adherence to standards, and procedures are developed and maintained for all processes. Business and user feedback on documentation and training is collected and assessed as part of a continuous improvement process. Documentation and training materials are usually at a predictable and good level of reliability and availability. An emerging process for using automated procedure documentation and management is implemented. Automated procedure development is increasingly integrated with application system development facilitating consistency and user access. Business and user training is responsive to the needs of the business. IT management is developing metrics for the development and delivery of documentation, training materials and training programs.
6 Optimized when
The process for user and operational documentation is constantly improved through the adoption of new tools or methods. The procedure materials and training materials are treated as a constantly evolving knowledge base that is maintained electronically using up-to-date knowledge management, work-flow and distribution technologies, making it accessible and easy to maintain. Documentation and training material is updated to reflect organizational, operational and software changes. The development of documentation and training materials and the delivery of training programs are fully integrated with the business and business process definitions, thus supporting organization-wide requirements, rather than only IT-oriented procedures.